Natječaj centra ITI za drame
Forum suvremene Drame centra ITI objavio je natjecaj za prezentaciju novih europskih drama. Rok prijave je 17.1.2014., a o detaljima i uvjetima natječaja možete pročitati u cjelovitom tekstu.
The Forum of Contemporary Drama is one of the Hellenic Centre of the ITI’s most important projects. It is a two-day presentation of staged readings of noteworthy plays from all over the world which have not yet been performed in Greece and is addressed to theatre professionals and anyone with a general interest in theatre.
The goal of this project is to present and promote in Greece, on a regular basis, the new trends in writing worldwide. Over the years many of the plays that were first presented at the Forum, consequently got staged by Greek professional theatre companies.
Forum history
The first Forum was held in March 2007 on the occasion of the World Theatre Day and has been taking place in the spring ever since. Up to now, the Forum has presented 41 plays from 35 countries, by playwrights such as Sergio Blanco, Marina Carr, Edgar Chias, Claudine Gallea, Jan Fabre, Jon Fosse, Elfriede Jelinek, Joel Jouanneau, Dennis Kelly, Jean-Luc Lagarce, Juan Mayorga, Gustavo Ott, Fausto Paravidino, Saara Turunen, Olivier Py and Larry Tremblay among others.
What we ask from you
The reason we contact you is to ask you to suggest up to four (4) plays from your respective countries which you deem important. This year’s presentation will focus on Balkan Dramaturgy. So we are looking for plays from these countries.
1. The plays must be contemporary (written within the last five years - from the beginning of 2009 onwards)
2. They must have received at least one full staging
3. They must have had an impact in their country of origin, i.e. they should fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
have had a successful run
have been well received by critics
be innovative, represent the country’s new writing etc.
have been translated and staged abroad
have been awarded prizes
have created a debate over their content or form
As you may know the Hellenic Centre of the ITI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Our objective is to promote international collaboration towards the evolution of the performative arts and to function as a channel of communication and creation of partnerships and networks among countries. Therefore, all participating professionals (translators, actors, directors etc) work on a voluntarily basis. There is no entrance fee for the event and the presentations are open to everyone. There is no income whatsoever to be derived from this event.
20 to 30 minute-long excerpts from each play will be presented as staged readings at the French Institute in Athens in May 2014.
Those readings will be accompanied by a short presentation of each playwright and his/her work.
Plays should be written in or translated into English or French.
Selection procedure
A Reading Committee will read all plays and choose approximately eight for this year’s Forum.
Apart from that, the Hellenic Centre of the ITI has created a “Bank of New Plays” in a special section of its Library accessible to anyone who might be interested. This section includes all submitted plays, whether they are presented or not.
The Forum is organized by the Hellenic Centre of the in collaboration and under the auspices of Cultural Institutes and Embassies in Greece.
Invitation for Playwrights
We cordially welcome all playwrights who wish to attend the presentation of their work.
The Hellenic Centre of the ITI does not have the means to cover expenses but can help the effort to raise the necessary funds by approaching Embassies or Cultural Organizations in Greece. Towards this end, it is vital to have adequate notice by the playwrights. Those, whose plays will be selected, will be notified right away so that they can make the necessary plans and arrangements.
Deadline for submissions
January 17th, 2014
We thank you in advance for you response!
For any further inquiries please feel free to contact us: